Feels to me like time to do another Angel reading. If you'd like
from me, feel free to participate in this contest and the winner may
well be you.

To enter the contest, just click here.
In the Comments section, just write "September 2013 contest" along with the country you are in (feel free to just put the first initial of your last name if you want).
The drawing will take place on Saturday September 21, 2013 and will be announced in the October 2013 edition of this newsletter.
Last month's Winner
The winner of last month's contest was Linda C. from the USA. The prize from that contest was a 3 card Oracle reading.
By the way, Linda won this month in such a spectacular way that I just had to stop and tell you about it. Pretty spectacular on both our sides actually. This has never happened to me before in almost 5 years of writing this newsletter, but to me it's the kind of story that just illustrates the magic that is life.
How I pick the contest winner is that I keep each note from the contest participants in a folder called "Current Newsletter Contest". I generally pick the contest winner's by assigning a number to each contest participants and asking the cards who most needs and would most benefit from the reading that month. That has always felt like the most fair way to me. To let the cards decide who most needs the reading and for the one who most needs it to get it.
So Sunday, when I went to pick the contest winner this time, I opened my Current Newsletter Contest folder to get ready to choose the winner. And.....it was empty. I knew that I had had participants of course, so something was wrong. Suddenly the folder was empty.
I then went to my ALL MAIL folder which contains copies of all the e-mails I had gotten all month. There I found copies of all the participant's e-mails. And I took them, one by one, and moved each individually back to the Current Newsletter Contest folder. After that was done, I opened the folder once again to try to choose the contest winner. And ONLY Linda was there. After I had added in a whole lost more people in as well.
I still could not figure out what was wrong. So I went BACK to my ALL MAIL folder and did it all again. I removed Linda and moved each of the participant's e-mails again to my contest folder. Just to be sure, I did it in reverse order. The first time I went from the top down. the second time from the bottom up.
Then I went BACK into the Current Newsletter Contest folder to once again try to pick the winner. AGAIN only Linda's e-mail was there. By the second time, I did not ask myself what I had done wrong. I took it as a clear sign that Linda was meant to win, and the Universe was trying to tell me that.
I then wrote to notify her that she had won., Then one more time I looked in my Current Newsletter Contest folder and magically once again it was full and everyone was back. That to me, was the confirmation. :-)
When I wrote Linda, I told her HOW she had one this time, as this was pretty spectacular to me and had never happened before. If that wasn't enough, Linda then told me that that very same Sunday that she had won the contest with me, she had seen a blackboard on the sidewalk saying "Tarot card readings today". The exact day that she won the reading from me.
So I just thought that was so amazing, I had to share. :-)
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