Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Readings by SunChariot Newsletter
December 2012 Edition
Volume 4, Edition 12

Welcome back to the Readings by SunChariot newsletter!

Well as so often happens here in my newsletters, this one too seems to have developed a theme as I was writing it. As this year draws to a close, this newsletter seemed to want to be about looking inside ourselves. about self-knowledge and self-examination

2012 will soon be ending, and a new year beginning, so in reality what better time to look inside and see where we are and who we want to be in the new year. If we find we are  just where we want to be then we get to start the new year knowing that. And that is a great feeling.

If there are still some things we'd like to tweak, that's good too. A new year is always a great time for change and starting anew. It's a fresh new start, where we can leave whatever is old and not serving our purposes anymore behind. Just leave it there in 2012, and when the year ends its over.  A new year can be both a time to let go of things and a time to get excited about all the new and exciting things that are coming. :-)

Since each year does bring a lot be be excited about, that seems like a good place to focus attention on now. And even more good news, hey: the shortest day of the year takes place this month so the days will start to get longer again afterwards. :-)

This month, I wish you wonderful warm holidays with loved ones, relaxation, and the joy of being you in this world.

Before I forget, here is the photo of me in my Halloween costume that I promised to show you last month, That was me somewhat "gypsied up".  Yes, I really did go on the bus and two subways and even to the gym after work dressed that way. I did eventually put some shoes on, before I left the house though. LOL

Oh and btw, I had so much I wanted to share with you this month that it did not all fit on one page here. So you may have to look to the older posts section to catch the end of this edition. :-)

Happy Holidays! And Happy New Year!



(This Blog version of my newsletter is available to be viewed by anyone at anytime at this site. It will come out once a month, near the last Saturday of every month. But, if you'd like an e-mail reminder each month to let you know when the new edition has come up, just click here and I'll get that out to you)

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