Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Readings by SunChariot Newsletter
September 2012 Edition
Volume 4, Edition 9

The newsletter is early this month as I will be away on vacation during the week it usually comes out. I will be off in the country communing with and connecting to nature.:-) But I did get this out for you before I left.

The only section that will probably not be completed when this goes out to you is the section letting you know who won last month's contest, as I will not be near a computer when it is time to do the drawing. I will fill that part in for you when I get back though.

September feels like a good time of year to me. Not as hot as the summer and not yet cold and just a sprinkling of the bright colours that make the season so beautiful. It just reminds me this year of how much we have to look forward to. And I just know lots of good things are coming our way this year.

If you happen to also be on vacation this month, I wish you a good one that will make you lots of warm memories. If not, I wish you the same warmth and time to bond with those around you.

All the best this month of September to you,



(This Blog version of my newsletter is available to be viewed by anyone at anytime on this site. It will come out once a month, the last Saturday of every month. But, if you'd like an e-mail reminder each month to let you know when the new edition has come up, just click here and I'll get that out to you)

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